About Us

Follow your passion, and success will follow you

About us

The idea for BEAR HAIR™ was born in the early 2000s as a lighthearted joke during a skiing and snowboarding getaway between friends. It took over a decade for that joke to evolve and inspire the creation of the brand.

Our dream is to create high-quality clothing rooted in the values hard work, dedication and freedom. We are aiming to create a small-batch business which reflect the spirit of individuals who thrive in the outdoors and on the land. We wish to provide an alternative to those big brands who have lost their connection with their customers.

So we need your support. Help us create a brand with integrity, We believe in core founding values of freedom, to honour the spirit of the outdoors and respect the hard-working men of the world with a brand that doesn’t take their support for granted.

We are aiming to be an alternative to those big brands; celebrating the role of men in their communities and families. Please connect with us to get updates on how you can support us and news on our campaign and when it ready to go live.

Our dream is to get ourselves into a position to provide high-quality outdoor wear and kit at a much wider scale but we have to start small, while thinking big... and this is how we begin. 

We are turning to crowd funding to test out the idea and see if there is an appetite and build support the business and help us get underway. We hope you’ll become one of our founding patrons.

We are eager to share our experiences and get your feedback. We are documenting this via this site, talks, podcasts, our YouTube channel.

Thank you for your interest, support and...

Dress rugged, roam free.